Ciclos Anuais no Rio Tiquié (Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro & Instituto Socioambiental, 2016 in Portuguese). Dissenting from this view have been the works of many evolutionary biologists, starting with an obscure note from Alfred Russel Wallace (ca. in Amazon Assessment Report 2021 (eds Nobre, C. 04 January 2023 Escaping Darwin’s shadow: how Alfred Russel Wallace inspires Indigenous researchers Wallace, who independently discovered the theory of evolution, relied on local knowledge.

Unlike Charles Darwin, you likely never heard of Alfred Russel Wallace though. Wallace was once an eminent naturalist and codiscoverer of the principle of natural selection. C., Sacek, V., Paes de Almeida, R., Bates, J. Alfred Russel Wallace played a big role in the antivaccination movement in the late 19th Century. of a portrait of the Welsh-born scientist at the Natural History Museum in London opens a year-long celebration of Wallaces life and work. in Neotropical Diversification: Patterns and Processes (eds Rull, V. The British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913), who had to leave school aged 14 and never attended university, did extensive fieldwork, first in the Amazon River basin (18481852) and then in Southeast Asia (18541862).

A Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, with an Account of the Native Tribes, and Observations on the Climate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valley (Reeve and Co., 1853). He then did fieldwork in the Malay Archipelago, where he identified the faunal divide now termed the Wallace Line, which separates the Indonesian archipelago into two distinct parts: a western portion in which the animals are largely of Asian origin, and an eastern portion where the fauna reflect Australasia.